Landscape 3 / Duisburg-Nord

Film, sound - loop 15min
camera and assistance: René Liebert
music: Louis Andriessen
"A remote-controlled zeppelin is making its rounds. Below, a flock of sheep reorganizing itself, changing its position, rearranging. In their interaction between individual and collective, a poetic choreography emerges in the glow of the silently flying object.
The physical presence of the sheep, their steaming excrements are in tension with the supposedly disembodied technical sphere that accompanies them. The animal in the light of institutionalized Power" (The Zeppelin was once a symbol of technical progress and, especially in the Third Reich, used for propaganda purposes and to demonstrate technical and cultural superiority. Therein lies a concept of technology as a medium for dominance and control.)"
Heiner Goebbels: „Das Publikum ist schlauer, als man erwartet“ (Review, de)
Das „New Space“ des Theaters der Nationen präsentiert im Block „Music“ eine Installation des Regisseurs Heiner Goebbels, der seit 2015 mit dem Musik-Theaterstück „Max Black“ das Moskauer Publikum begeistert. Der MDZ erzählte er, was es mit der Installation „Landscape 3“ genau auf sich hat
24 April 2017, Julia Bordunov, Moskauer Deutsche Zeitung
Past Dates
May 2018
Schloss, Werdenberg (Switzerland)