1 May 2018, Heiner Goebbels, Polish Theatre Journal
Text (en)

There is no such thing as a Giessen School

When Heiner Goebbels will leave the Institute of Applied Theatre Studies in spring 2018, he looks back to nearly twenty years of teaching – from which he has worked also as a managing director for almost ten years. In his keynote he will discuss common restrictions in the education of performing arts today, as well as giving some insight in the basic conditions of the institute's structure: what he considers being the major factors for the creativity of its students. Rather than providing them with technics of 'how to do it' he strengthens the process, in which the students are able to develop their own aesthetics.

https://www.polishtheatrejournal.com/index.php/ptj/article/download/161/760 (pdf, EN)
https://www.polishtheatrejournal.com/index.php/ptj/article/download/161/758 (pdf, PL)